Healing Journey

We are still under the influence of last Saturday’s Chiron / North Node conjunction in Aries. Today, there is an activating sextile from Mars, so you might be really feeling it. 

Chiron is the bridge between the inner and outer worlds, so you may be dealing with events that bring up memories of childhood wounds. Something within is asking you to heal another layer of yourself. 

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Sara Bourland
Forecast 2024

This is a recording of my Zoom Event on January 13, 2024. I blend the historical correlations reflected in the planetary cycles, a breakdown of the symbolism, as well as the future of technology! Sit down, grab a cup of tea and enjoy! Later in the video, I break down the major transits by season to inspire you to work with the stars!

2024 is a year of transformation that is filled with auspicious energy as well as radical shifts in consciousness. Hang on to your hats, 'cause we won't be the same by the year's end.

Time to dream and manifest! Get to it!

Open the “read more” for a clickable clink. OR copy and paste this URL. https://youtu.be/BlkVDZRsDdk?si=WGgm1nTOC-wXIWyo

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This is one of only two photos I have with my parents.

The faded image is reflective of a foreshadowing. You can feel the passage of many decades in the fuzzy image that has oddly left my father the lightest figure. My dad left this earth many years ago and luckily, Mom is hanging tough. The passage of time has left its fingerprint on this photo. The precise details of the day have escaped my memory, just as the photo has faded.

I feel a tightness in my chest and tears are emerging…

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Sara Bourland
SOAR into the FUTURE


March 23, 2023 - May 2043 

We are standing on the edge of a new era. 

This time period begins an era of significant change. Pluto is a generational influence that is far-reaching and long with a 248-year orbit. When it finally settles fully into Aquarius, it will spend 20 years here. This influences an entire generational shift. 

Pluto’s urge is to plunge into the darkness and uncover what is hidden. Nothing short of removing what is no longer serving you. In Aquarius, the focus is on humanity. Here the vibe is not on the individual but on the collective.

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Sara Bourland

What are your deepest-held dreams? These are the ones that keep you awake at night; the ones that plague your quiet moments. 

These are not the ones that come from a place where your urge to compete lives, nor the ones where you worry how you compare in the world. 

No, these are those nocturnal, just beneath-the-veil, hidden dreams that follow you relentlessly into the darkness.

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Sara Bourland

We are embarking on a new cycle with Saturn that is very exciting. Saturn, the planet of maturity, determination, and responsibility is moving into the etheric realm of Pisces. The planet of mystics, poets, and dreamers is getting a dose of reality. I find this extremely inspiring.

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Sara Bourland