Transiting Saturn and The Testing of My Determination.

As I sat down to write a post about Saturn retrograde, I am reminded of my own experience with a transiting Saturn. This simple anecdote may help some understand how astrology can give us strength. Below is an example of this one transit as it speaks the symbolic language that reflects the life experience. I find great comfort knowing that my experience has a purpose towards an expanded awareness.

Currently, transiting Saturn is testing my resolve. I am working my butt off and it feels like my path is somewhat blocked, figuratively. The mountain I am climbing is steep and there have not been the type of rewards and progress that I would expect to see from this much effort. 

What do I recommend? (Yes, to myself!)

Stick with it.

Just know that I have to keep at it and recognize that the harvest will come a bit later.* 

*This gives me strength. This helps me double down on my efforts and not give up. Often, I question my path. Am I doing the right thing? Is this where I should be putting my energy?

I often look for the positive signs from the Universe to continue. Transiting Saturn may feel like a NO, but it is just asking you to decide what is important enough to put energy into WITHOUT praise or high-fives. The Universe is asking, “Are you in this for the long-haul?”

What’s going on astrologically...

Transiting Saturn has been dancing over my Sun / Mars since February. Saturn is taunting me, asking me “Are you really committed to this?” 

This last month has eased up a bit, but now with the retrograde, it will be trudging over my Sun/ Mars again for a second time. 

In life, sometimes you feel in the flow and things just seem to go your way. Other times things are just plain arduous. It's nice to be able to check the astrological weather and get the subtle message behind the seasonal energy pattern. 

Currently, I’m being nudged by the Universe to up my resolve and gain mastery. Both of these are Saturn themes. I have until October to proceed on honing my skills and build a solid framework and structure. 

Then, when this transit is over I will be in an excellent place to reap the rewards and celebrate a well-deserved harvest.

“I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life’s greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve. This level of resolve can move mountains, but it must be constant and consistent. As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their dreams from those who live in regret.” Tony Robbins