
If you want to fly,
give up everything that weighs you down.
— Toni Morrison

Sara is an astrologer, designer and artist working with clients and students in a spiritual consulting practice. I work with people who are focused on their spiritual growth, healing and are curious about how they may fulfill their soul purpose.  


As an empath and intuitive, I am sensitive to the energies present in our physical world, both the built environment and natural world. Our built environment, the one we spent an inordinate amount of time in, can substantially affect us. At the very least, it can separate us from the rhythms and healing of nature. 

The natural world has ordered patterns, such as the seasons, the tides, and the cosmic cycles.  We are a part of this natural phenomenon and understanding the timing of these cycles can be profound in understanding yourself, e.g. your motivations, desires and needs.

Healing occurs on multiple levels. In western society most people seek healing for physical or mental ailments. There are so many other levels where healing can occur, such as vibrational, energetic, psychic, etc. Depending on the issue a client presents, other healing modalities may be suggested.  

Over the years, I have studied many mystic and spiritual philosophies, yet astrology is the one that has proven time and again to soothe my soul. It can offer tangible, everyday wisdom when life is too confusing or painful. It does not change the circumstances, but it can change the way that you think about and react to it. Perspective is everything.


My personal belief is that we incarnate with a special purpose and this is clearly reflected in the natal birth chart. Everyone is born with gifts as well as challenges, this along with your soul purpose is revealed through the symbolism of your chart. Understanding these will assist you as you navigate those sometimes rough waters and ultimately find purpose and higher meaning.

Evolutionary Astrology 

I have studied Western Astrology since 1997 with some of the world’s leading astrologers. My practice is a blended approach that has its roots firmly in Evolutionary Astrology and keeps the focus on your soul’s purpose and spiritual growth.

Home Healing - Intentional Interiors 

The built environment and its energies are fluid and alive. How we move and flow within our environments can have a profound effect on our well-being. Simultaneously, how we manage, arrange and nurture our spaces can either help or hinder our lives.  

The Chinese developed a system of recognizing the energy of the interior environment along with site orientation. The chi, or energy of a space, can be harmonized for the best health, good luck and success of its inhabitants. I utilize Feng Shui principles, my intuition, astrology and practical interior space design in assessing homes and businesses.  

As an intuitive and an Interior Architectural Designer, I have seen so many homes that are physically dysfunctional or where people are disconnected from their living space. We must fully inhabit our spaces and do it intentionally. Oftentimes, people operate from their unconscious and what they create in their environments is just a reflection of where they are at spiritually, mentally or physically. An analysis of your home is what I can do to help you align the energy to support what you are trying to create in your life.  

A healthy and aligned space can be invigorating and be a positive influence in your life.  

Healing and Spiritual Growth ~ Intentions

During a session, it is my wish that you will gain insights and guidance that will provide healing and spiritual growth.

Affiliations & More: 

OPA - Organization for Professional Astrologers 

TAG - Tucson Astrologers Guild  

MSEd - Masters in Education , Old Dominion University 

BFA - Interior Architecture Design, California College of the Arts 


Outstanding Educator, Delta Kappa Gamma, (2018) 

Teacher of the Year, Veterans of Foreign Wars - Post 4664, (2010)


Contributing Author, DreamUpNow, A Teen Journal for Creativity and Self-Discovery,  2020

Article: “Sacred Space: Astrology as a Tool for Intentional Interior Design.” The Career Astrologer. March Equinox 2022 Issue

Highlights: Pivotal Training 

Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism with Grandmaster Yun Lin - San Francisco, CA

Visual Thinking Strategies, Advanced Practicum. Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA  

Consulting Skills for Astrologers, OPA - Sedona, AZ

Retreats, Workshops, and Classes: 

I offer periodic workshops, classes, and post-COVID there will be a retreat! 

I draw upon my background in ancient wisdoms to create a unique variety of activities to guide groups and individuals in expanded awareness and transformative experiences. Check out the offerings listed in the “Learn” tab.

Custom and collaborative retreats are certainly considered. Contact me and let’s discuss. 

With a master’s degree in education, I understand how to craft courses that are engaging as well as give the student opportunities to process what is being presented. My courses are so much more than just lectures!  They are primed for the potential to be deeply illuminating and healing for participants.