What to Expect in 2024: An Astrological Forecast.

Did you miss it? A recording is available, just click the button below to view it on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe to my channel. Thank you.

Astrology is a symbolic language and shows significant correlations between time periods. In other words, what happened years ago comes up again for review and ultimately a change. The old adage “history repeats itself” is not necessarily accurate, but certainly Mark Twain nailed it when he said, “History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” 

Past Event - January 13, 2024 @ 6pm LIVE on ZOOM. Subscribe to the Newsletter to get notifications of future events.



WINTER 2024 - Classes

Teach from Your Heart: Guidance in Creating a Kick-Ass Class - February 2024

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Discover Your Path: Beginning Astrology



Teach from your Heart: Guidance in Creating a Kick-Ass Class - Begins in February 2024

Do you dream of teaching a class or workshop, but don’t know where to begin? Do you fear being underprepared or that you are not enough?

No matter your hesitation, please join Sara as she guides you through the process of curriculum development, timing, and how best to deliver your content. We will cast aside doubt and fear and forge ahead to step into our next stage as a guide for others.


Discover Your Path: Beginning Astrology

Winter 2024 - Dates will be announced soon!

Join Sara’s Beginning Astrology class to gain insights into the wisdom of astrology. We will be focusing on each participant’s chart as we work our way through planets, signs, and houses.

 Deep insights and revelations can be gained when learning about astrological archetypes as they apply to you.  

If you want to gain a deeper understanding of yourself or others, then this is the class for you.


Create a Sacred Space That Heals Your Soul

Beginning early in March 2024 -

If you are ready for a change, this class will support you to discover your soul’s vision, work consciously with intentions, and learn to empower your life through your personal space.

Come join us as we create a community of compassionate souls, who are supportive of this growth.



Discover How to Manifest Your Dreams

 Learn the secrets of making your desires a reality!

In this workshop, you will learn the step-by-step approach to turn your dreams into reality. You will discover the energetic principles of our creative nature.  This method is a balanced approach with practical, left-brain real-world rooted strategies combined with right-brain creative elements to achieve results.



Astrology: Can it add meaning to my life?

Learn what astrology is and how it can help you know your true strengths and challenges. Armed with true perspective you can begin to take ownership of this thing called life. Living your true potential, accepting yourself - flaws and all, can be liberating. Healing, and knowing your soul purpose is what everyone deserves.




Spiritual Growth 101: Using Your Astrological Signatures as a Guide

Have you ever wondered, What is my calling or true purpose?

What would you do if you knew what your soul intended for you this lifetime? In this course, we will begin to unpack our spiritual gifts and how to give them to the world.

Astrology has the potential to give us a hint as to why we incarnated this lifetime. How do we authentically serve ourselves, our loved ones and maybe even mankind?

We set our sails on a journey of discovery through activities and discussions of what the stars have in store for us.


Teaching Astrology: Important Strategies for a Class or Workshop

2022 Online for the Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA) I-Astrologer Conference

Please subscribe to my newsletter to learn more about future offerings for guidance with developing a teaching program, astrology classes, or special offers.


There are symbols and signs to guide us,
all we have to do is just open our eyes and our hearts.
— Sara Bourland

Retreats, Workshops and Classes: 

I offer workshops and classes.

I draw upon my background in ancient wisdom to create a unique variety of activities to guide groups and individuals in expanded awareness and transformative experiences. Check out the offerings listed in the “Learn” tab.

Custom and collaborative retreats are certainly considered. Contact me and let’s discuss. 

With a master’s degree in education, I understand how to craft courses that are engaging as well as give the student opportunities to process what is being presented. My courses are so much more than just lectures!  They are primed for the potential to be deeply illuminating and healing for participants.

Speaking Engagements:  

I’m available to speak for a group or at an event. Please contact me. 

Upcoming Lectures or Workshops:

  • What to Expect in 2024: An Astrological Forecast - January 10, 2024 @ 6pm LIVE Event in Tucson, AZ

  • Discover How to Manifest Your Dreams- TBA

  • Astrology:  Can it Add Meaning to My Life? - TBA 

  • Spiritual Growth 101: How to gain insights from Astrology - TBA

Past Lectures or Workshops:

  • October 2023 Astrology Forecast - LIVE in-person Podcast Guest @ COSME in Tucson, AZ

  • Teaching Astrology: Important Strategies for a Class or Workshop - May 15, 2022 / Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA) at I-Astrologer Conference 2022

  • Teach from your Heart: Guidance in Creating a Kick-Ass Class - Begins in August 2022 / Online - subscribe and email for more info.

  • What to Expect in 2022: An Astrological Forecast - January 12, 2022, / Live Event in Tucson, AZ - SaddleBrooke Metaphysical Explorations.

  • Discover Your Path: Beginning Astrology / October - November 2021

  • Astrology and Your Spring Reboot. Five Steps to Creating a Sacred Space that Heals Your Soul / March 2021

  • Creating Your Sacred Space with Tucson Astrologer, Designer & Artist, Sara Bourland. May 2021 - Interview by Ligin Baker of Passion for Art Soul Tribe. (replay on YouTube)

  • Astrology:  Can it Add Meaning to My Life? /  April 2020 

  • The Power of Astrological Cycles -  2020 / May 2020 

  • Discover How to Manifest Your Dreams / June  2017