Intentional Interiors

Intentional Interiors is a method of healing where the home is energetically aligned and supports your lifestyle and personal goals.

Too many people are disappointed when they cannot reach their dreams. They blame their circumstances on a number of factors.

Think about it, when your body is out of shape, you reevaluate your eating habits and level of physical exercise. And, when you are struggling mentally you may seek the counsel from a therapist or a life coach. But, when you spend one hour with a therapist and then come home to a dysfunctional space, it undermines you in a way that reinforces ingrained patterns. Intentional Interiors supports other healing modalities.

Intentional interiors look at the flow and energy of your space so that you can thrive in all areas of your life. Your environment needs to be in good health just like your physical body and your mind.

Sara has years of experience in Interior Architecture Design in both new construction as well as remodels. Her intuition and knowledge of energetic flow helps her see the health and function of a space. It is the chi or vital energy of the space and how it functions as its own entity that is really critical to support our lives.

Intentional Interiors

Sessions in Intentional Interiors helps us create spaces that balance the energy and infuse our space with objects that hold sacred energy. We can bring clear vital energy into our environment in a healthy way that supports us in what we are choosing to create in our lives.

Home Healing

Home healing is a healing for yourself through your home environment. It is a win-win. Our homes are a reflection of where we are at in life. If you are frenetic in your way of moving through your day, it is likely that your home has some of those same energetic signatures. Home healing can be profound in realigning your values with how you have been living. Just like when we relax our dedication to our exercise routine, relaxing the care and upkeep of our home has an impact on our overall well-being. A home healing consultation in connection with our goals, and our overall health can be beneficial to your body, mind and spirit.

I combine energetic assessment, design functionality, and examine how you not only keep your home, but how well you function within your home.

If you’d like to talk with Sara about Home Healing or a Sacred Space Analysis, please contact us to discuss your unique situation. Booking information can be found on the Sessions page.


Real transformation begins when you embrace your problems as agents for growth.
— Michael Singer