

Insight & Relief.   At times life hands you experiences that are stressful and painful. They can feel exhausting and confusing. I can help you gain perspective and clarity on what energies are at play and what the Universe is asking you to consider.  Sometimes you just need an objective outsider to see the big picture. Finding the silver lining and strategies to carry you through these temporary, yet important times can be very healing. 

Clarity & Timing.  Every so often you may want to check in and get perspective on your personal growth, career goals or relationship issues.  Astrology can shed light on the cycles for various areas of your life. Spiritual growth happens in all areas of our lives. 

Bigger Questions. The insights that can be gained through astrology are many.  How is this obstacle serving me? What patterns or stories am I replaying in my mind?  And, are they true? What can I learn from hard times? What is the right kind of person for me to be in a relationship with? What kind of work gives me the most satisfaction? What are my inherent gifts? What is my soul purpose? These are just a few. 

“I help people find the ‘why’ in life. Through the lens of your natal chart, I can offer support to navigate the complexities of life and uncover your true potential. An astrology reading can be incredibly illuminating in discovering yourself.”
— Sara

About Sara

Sara is an astrologer, designer, and artist working with clients and students in a spiritual consulting practice. 

I help people develop their potential. Maybe it's through an astrology session where we unpack the blockages that trip you up. Or maybe it is through one of my workshops on the creative approach or manifesting your desires.


Workshops and Classes

The classes and workshops I offer are steeped in Astrological principals where spiritual growth is a focus.

Astrology, Home Healing and Manifesting are frequent topics that are offered. As a creative person, I love finding new and unique solutions that employ a little mystery and magic to the typical practical approaches.

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Have you ever felt there was more going on than what you were aware of? Maybe something just outside your perception?

Would you like to feel more grounded and understand what is really at play? Let me help you see the bigger picture and empower you to make wise choices.

Intuitive astrology and Intentional Interiors session are offered.