New Clients

Book a full session. I include a client information form where you answer some questions that help me know what you’d like to discuss and aids in my preparation for the reading. Sessions must be prepaid when scheduling. Please allow 2-3 days prior to scheduling to allow time for me to prepare.

*If this is the first time we’ve worked together, or you have a lot of ground to cover, this is the best choice. 

If you schedule a follow-up session within six (6) months, a discounted rate applies. 

What do I need to schedule an astrology session?

  1. EXACT birth time* (verified on a birth certificate is best) - If you don’t know you birth time, please include what you do know about your birth time. Without a birth time, we can still do a reading and can cover a lot of ground. Without a birth time, we cannot identify a rising sign or house placements.

2. Date: (month / day / year)

3. Location of birth ( city, state or provence / country)



New and returning clients who want a FULL chart reading. For your first session with me, we cover an overview of your chart from an evolutionary perspective and discuss any questions or issues you are concerned with. We will discuss inherent strengths and challenges and how to best navigate these areas of your life.

Returning clients we will go deeper and explore current energies that are at play.

As soon as you are scheduled, I send out a client intake form where you can share with me any questions you may have. These can be from any area of life: relationships, love, career, home & family, limiting beliefs, etc.

Sessions must be prepaid to schedule.

*Advanced analysis and preparation time are included in the fee.


These sessions are great for updates or targeted sessions related to one or two topics. Sessions must be prepaid to schedule.

*Advanced analysis and preparation time are included in the fee.


These sessions are great for updates or targeted sessions related to one or two topics. Sessions must be prepaid to schedule.

*Advanced analysis and preparation time are included in the fee.


This is available to repeat clients. We will discuss the transits and progression charts of what energetic signatures are ahead for the next year or so. If you think you are feeling changes and are unsure what to do, this is a good choice for you. Sessions must be prepaid to schedule.

*Advanced analysis and preparation time are included in the fee.


ONE QUESTION - written response $60 USD

Ask one significant question that will be answered via email. Please email me with an inquiry and include your question. *A horary chart will be cast to determine the outcome. A written response will be provided.

*Email an inquiry and include your question. No appt. necessary. A written response is provided.



The energy of our homes can either support or hinder our mental, emotional or spiritual selves. I’ve seen time and time again, people trying to improve their lives, but living in a home that does not support their current hopes and dreams. How does what you want out of life mesh with your home environment? Actually, it has a huge impact.

Read about a case study here.

The initial phone consultation is at no charge to see if I can help you.

Typically included in this work:

  • I will assess your space and the challenges that you are having. Often I will read your astrology chart to see the energetic patterns that are involved, assess the chi or energy of the home and the site as well as how the house flows. I will prepare a comprehensive report of what needs to be done in your space and we will discuss how to implement those changes. (Astrology reading is an additional fee)

  • You need to be ready to make some changes yourself and do the work to change the energy and flow in your space.

  • Consultations are done via Zoom. In-person consultations are available upon request, and travel fees may apply.


I also book package sessions.

*Sacred Space Analysis & Creation

*Astrology Informed Coaching

*Manifesting Coaching

This could include Sacred Space Analysis, Home Healing, or multiple astrology sessions. Email me with your circumstances so we can discuss possibilities that will work for both of us.


During a session, it is my wish that you will gain insights and guidance that will provide healing and spiritual growth.

Retreats, Workshops and Classes: 

I offer periodic workshops, classes and in the future there will be a retreat! 

I draw upon my background in ancient wisdoms to create a unique variety of activities to guide groups and individuals in expanded awareness and transformative experiences. Check out the offerings listed in the “Learn” tab.

Custom and collaborative retreats are certainly considered. Contact me and let’s discuss. 

With a master’s degree in education, I understand how to craft courses that are engaging as well as give the student opportunities to process what is being presented. My courses are so much more than just lectures!  They are primed for the potential to be deeply illuminating and healing for participants.


To Schedule a Session:

Contact Sara at to schedule. Sessions must be paid in advance.

Currently, all sessions are via Zoom, or by phone.


Please note if you make an appointment:

Intuitive/Astrology readings are legally considered entertainment, and certainly are an art not a science. You may be provided guidance but it is your responsibility to listen to your own intuition, consult with various professional advisors and make your own decisions. Sara Bourland cannot be held liable for any actions taken, or not taken, based upon this guidance. Psychosynthesis processwork is a guided imagery conversation to help you connect with your inner truth. These arts are not a substitute for appropriate medical, legal or psychological professional help. By making an appointment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms of this agreement.