The Twelve Styles of Mom


A Mother’s Day Tip.

photo by: Pixel2013

photo by: Pixel2013

Mothers everywhere are being taken to brunch and will love being pampered, but maybe you need some fresh ideas to show her how much you care! This year, be creative and show her that you have put some time and effort into her special day.  

While all mother’s express their unique nurturing instinct through their Moon and Ceres signs, your mom’s Sun sign signals a piece of her that is deeply woven into her core. So, here are some quick astro tips to make her day really special! Look at your mom’s sun sign*.

(*We all have every planet and sign in our charts. What makes us unique is where the emphasis may be and the quantity of those energies present. Use this as a guide, but always go with what feels like the best fit for your mom.) 

Aries Sun: (Gemstone: Bloodstone or Diamond)

This mom likes to initiate and take charge. But today it is about showing her the love. So, why not go on an outing together. If she still loves to get physical maybe it's a hike, a walk in the park or a bike ride. Anything together where she’s being physical will be great! 

Taurus Sun: (Gemstone: Sapphire or Emerald)

Show her your love through great food and the adoration of big hugs. This mom appreciates being with her brood over a fantastic meal. Don’t forget a beautiful bouquet of flowers and maybe her favorite chocolates for later!

Gemini Sun: (Gemstone: Agate or Topaz)

This lucky mother is bright, inquisitive and has a fast mind. Be sure to take your cues from what she loves to do. If carefully chosen, a book that shows you know her well. (Be sure she doesn’t have it on her bookshelf already!) Play a game, have a conversation, and have some laughs. 

Cancer Sun: (Gemstone: Emerald or Moonstone)

This quintessential mother will likely try to make breakfast for everyone if you’d don’t scoot her out of the house! Show her your love by spending time with a gathering of the entire family. Gift her with a massage, or a spa day and don’t forget a small extra special candle or lotion. She forgets to take care of herself and will appreciate a small indulgence to remind her of you during the busy week. 

Leo Sun: (Gemstone: Peridot or Citrine)

She’s QUEEN for the day! Get the family together and PLAY! She can be fun, vivacious and likes to be the center of your world - even if it's just for the day. Give her your attention, listen to her, and let her version of play and fun be the flavor of the day.

Virgo Sun: (Gemstone: Carnelian or Jasper)

Meticulous organization and doing things in a particular way pleases this mom. She’s likely scheduled out and has set time aside in her calendar for this day. Be sure to let her know in advance as she may not like surprises and tends to have difficulty being spontaneous. Take her out for a healthy breakfast at her favorite restaurant. Take charge and let her relax for the day!


Libra Sun: (Gemstone: Opal or Tourmaline)

This mother has refined tastes, and has an eye for things that are aesthetically pleasing. She enjoys the better things in life and spending time with her brood would be important. Maybe this Mother’s Day, everyone can get dressed up and take a family photo together? She’d love to see everyone looking their best, just for her. 

Scorpio Sun: (Gemstone: Beryl or Coral)

She’s willing to go to the depths of the earth and back again if it will benefit her kids. She feels deeply and tends to go all out - her version of all out. She’s special to you and you need to take the time to show it. She’s a unique gal who is a bit nonconformist. Show up with something that fits her. Maybe she has been eyeing that pendant that has a witchy vibe or you find an object that is just a bit mysterious, just like her!

Sagittarius Sun: (Gemstone: Topaz or Citrine)

She’s always up for an adventure. For this mom, take her on an outing. It's best to go somewhere new or eccentric. You know her, she’s fun and lively so be sure your celebration reflects what she loves most. IF you didn’t think to fly her off to a foreign country for Mother’s Day, maybe a scavenger hunt of clues that leads to a special place nearby where all of the family has gathered. Whatever you do, be sure it includes fun!

Capricorn Sun: (Gemstone: Ruby or Lapis Lazuli)

This mom has always worked hard. She really does not know how to take the easy road. Pamper her with something extra special. Go above and beyond to show her how much you appreciate her immense devotion. If you can swing a bit of extravagance, take her to a really special restaurant, or pick up that artisan pendant she has been eyeing. Whatever you do, she will appreciate how special it makes her feel.

Aquarius Sun: (Gemstone: Garnet or Turquoise)

No doubt, this mom marches to a beat of her own drummer. Don’t do what you did last year. Shake it up. Find new and inventive ways to show how much you love and appreciate her. She’ll appreciate when you’ve shown some initiative to make it unique. She wants to be able to tell her friends about the unusual day she had. Or the unusual, albeit thoughtful, gift she received. Keywords for the day: Unique or one of a kind. 

Pisces Sun:  (Gemstone: Amethyst or Aquamarine)

Love, love, love. Write this mom a poem that comes straight from the heart. Hopefully you took after her dreamy style and became a musician. If so, write her a song. 

She’ll love anything you create for her from the heart. Even if you are 50 years old, your mom will adore your thoughtful gestures of creativity. Time spent together will be meaningful if your authentic heart is engaged. 

Enjoy this Mother’s Day!

A sample of inspiring sparkly gems which I just love. Photo by: Starbright

A sample of inspiring sparkly gems which I just love.

Photo by: Starbright