Savasana: A Path Towards Conscious Awareness


This afternoon while beginning to settle into savasana, my eye caught the attention of a single cedar tree. It was perfectly framed by the window with a few wispy clouds in the background. It stood like a sentinel in the sunlit sky. A slight breeze sent the tree swaying gently back and forth. With ease, I found myself captivated. 

This moment took my breath away.

Was it the bliss of a post workout combined with the relaxation of savasana? Iā€™m not sure. Reality ceased and effortlessly I slipped into an altered state of consciousness. I felt the gentle swaying and the sensations of life coursing through its branches and the pushing growth of new buds. As soon as I ran the sensations and experience through my rational left brain, it was gone. It was just a fleeting moment. 

In that moment my heart was fully open. A bursting of gratitude rose within my awareness. For this I am profoundly grateful. Often it is those quiet, hardly perceptible moments that are the ones that offer the spaciousness and profound experiences. 

The veil of reality was lifted, if just for a moment. 

I closed my eyes, opened my heart and truly felt alive. 


photo credit: Jared Rice on Unsplash (yoga)

photo credit: Rene Bieder on Unsplash (trees)
