Sedona Reflections


With the weather turning blustery, we headed out to Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park. Even with the cold, wintery weather I was not going to miss visiting this incredible spiritual location. 

The site is located at the very base of Thunder Mountain. After a slight detour off the main highway in Sedona, the road narrows and the elevation climbs. As we leave the town behind, quickly I am in awe of the towering red rocks. The site has a presence that is unmistakable and humbling. After finding a place to park on the street a small sign announces the trail that leads to the Stupa. 

Soon the trail narrows and continues to wind and climb in and around rocks, junipers and pinion pine trees.  There are windswept tibetan prayer flags that remind me of the sacredness of what is approaching. 

With every few steps, there are small alters tucked under trees. A cluster of red rocks and a small buddhist statue reminds me to contemplate. Each step, each breath, nudges me to slow down. To relax. 

Time to go within. 

By the time we reached the large stupa, several people were walking around the base. I am not sure if it was the slight uphill walk, or the grandeur of the stupa in the shadow of Thunder mountain, but every person reflected a reverence and respect at this sacred site. Their auras were beautifully lit with this warm golden light. 

I noticed a woman sitting in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the site. A family of four were enjoying the buddha statue and I volunteered to take their photo. Their smiles and the expression of gratitude made me wonder if they were buddhists. 

With everyone I crossed paths with during my walking meditation, there was a quiet recognition as we exchanged a nod or quiet hello. I witnessed an unmistakable and touching reverence of the spiritual as expressed with each individual that day. 

Even though it was a blustery day, I wanted to take it all in. The chill in the air possibly kept away the less motivated and gave me an experience to cherish. Truly this is a holy place for the sacred stupa and buddha. 

If you are in Sedona, don’t miss this site. It is an experience that will touch the spirit within. Be sure to practice quiet reverence as you would when entering any religious site. 

