Waiting to Bloom


Have you ever felt a bit unclear?  

It’s not an impending doom feeling, which I’ve had. It’s more like a fog that rolls over and covers you completely. Where your vision is blurred, depth perception is non-existent, yet other senses kick in and are heightened. This is my current experience. 

I went for a walk and watched the sun rise over the mountains. As I sat on a rock gazing towards the mountains, I noticed a barrel cactus off in the distance. There atop the succulent was a collection of blooms at various stages. Instantly, clarity came to me. This is a metaphor for my current status. Waiting to bloom. 

Experience assures me that my current fuzziness is a phase that ultimately serves a greater purpose. It is a germination phase of sorts. 

This cactus reminded me of the natural cycles that are implicit in every part of the physical world -- including us. So, it is easy to see life going through the seed-planting, germination and flowering phases as it has done many times before.  

For now, even though it is not my inclination to do so, I will relax into letting my eyes take the backseat, and rely on my other senses to guide me forward. A new chapter of life is waiting to emerge. 
