A Legacy of Love

As I woke this morning, I felt the nudge to write. 

My instincts insist that I stay, as much as possible, in my big ol’ heart. I am just so dang sentimental.

While my kids were teens, I began a memory journal for each of them. IF anything were ever to happen to me, they would have memories of their youth and my adoring words captured for posterity. 

I want my kids to know... 

how much I adore them

how my heart breaks not seeing them 

how proud I am of the people they have become

I want them to feel my heart embrace them when I am gone. 

* * * 

I grabbed a pencil, their journals and headed to the patio to jot down special memories from the last two years. (It's been a while.)

Why am I motivated to write TODAY?  

This is where we astrologers say, “You can’t make this shit up.” 

Mercury just entered Cancer. 

Mercury, the Messenger, is in the sign of family, nurturing and nostalgia. So of course, I want to write love notes to my kids!

THIS. This is why I love astrology. IF you pay attention to your internal motivations, your thinking and behavior, you will see the cosmos alive and well playing out in your life. 

So, maybe it is time to journal those heart-felt messages to your loved ones. 
