Rebelliousness, Initiation, and Fate

Aquarius Full Moon - 19 ° ♒ @ 6:35pm Pacific time
Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Full Moon is tethered to some powerhouse planets currently. The rebel, the warrior, and Karma walk into a bar and are ready for some action. Disruption occurs, initiated action moves forward and our fate hangs in the balance. Ah, sounds daunting? Yet, we can be focused and purposeful in the wake of uncertainty.

The Aquarian Full Moon urges that we rise to our full potential. A conjunction with Saturn indicates that the road ahead will take a committed resolution and our undaunted determination. What is it that we want from our lives? Are we in it for the long game? What will we give to make it happen?

The challenge of this time period is connected to our collective Karma. The Nodes of Fate are locked in an embrace with Uranus, the rebel, and Mars the planet of action. It is clear that in order for us to clear the path, there may be some collateral damage.

We cannot move forward until we clear the decks and take care of old business.
Seriously, out with the old, and in with the new.

Are you focused on your next phase? It is time to create a clear picture in your mind. Write down your goals and aspirations - get clear. Maybe your first next step is clearing out what no longers works. Are you not sure where to begin? Start small. Start at home. Get the energy moving and clean out a closet or drawer. Make room for the new to be birthed.

Full Moons are about the culmination. Finish up what needs to be done and ready yourself for the next phase. It's a rich and creative time to hold your vision of the future lightly in your outstretched hand while simultaneously holding firm while you sweep away the outdated, stagnant structures that hold you back.

Be careful, as this is not a time for taking risks. This potentially volatile signature will remain for another few days or so.

Don't forget, be sure to charge those crystals and water under the light of the Full Moon tomorrow night.

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Until next time. 

With gratitude.