Surrender to the Presence - Pisces Full Moon


Pisces Full Moon @ 17°41’ 

September 10, 2022 at 3am MST 

Think ocean currents, watery terrain and swimming in the fullness of the extensive potentiality. This Full Moon signals us to surrender and go with the flow. What happens if you just ride the tide and stay cognizant of your surroundings? Soak it in and see what is beyond your normal perception. 

This is a magical time to let life unfold. Take a deep breath and just pause. See what is beyond your normal vision when you let your gaze soften. This is a magical time to take a new perspective. With the Sun in discriminating Virgo, we have enough of the everyday perfection and attention to worldly details. Just for a Full Moon moment, shift into the potential of riding the wave of ‘all that is.’ We are desperate to find the key to life’s mysteries and here it is. 

Take some time (off) and just be in the moment. Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, once mentioned in a Dharma talk, “ When I look at the moon, I breathe in and out deeply and say, “Full moon, I know you are there, and I am very happy. To be really present and know that the other is also there is a miracle. 

When you contemplate a beautiful sunset, if you are really there, you will recognize and appreciate it deeply…Whenever you are really there, you are able to recognize and appreciate the presence of the other – the full moon, the North Star, the magnolia flowers, or the person you love the most.”

This is the presence and beauty of this Pisces Full Moon. She is insightful and intuitive. She is reminding us to be fully present and enjoy the magic of all that is. Surrender to the present moment. 


Until Next Time. 

With Gratitude.

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Photo Credit: Stefen Keller