Saturn in Pisces 

March 7, 2023 - May 24, 2025 


We are embarking on a new cycle with Saturn that is very exciting. Saturn, the planet of maturity, determination, and responsibility is moving into the etheric realm of Pisces. The planet of mystics, poets, and dreamers is getting a dose of reality. I find this extremely inspiring. 

Iā€™m a practical person by nature, yet I have a side that can tap into the unknown, the mystical, the creative and pull it into the waking world. For me, this placement will bring creative visions into the forefront of society. 

Also, we could see a softening and compassion to rules and regulations. And simultaneously we can see that dreams and visions move into the realm of reality. It believe it will work both ways. 

A reality dose to the dreams and dreamy tinge with reality. 

Symbolism is often beyond the reach of mere words, so we (astrologers) do our best to explain what can only be felt or experienced. Many iterations of examples exist to show the potential, but not so narrow that it limits its reference to how it might manifest in any of our lives. 

In Pisces, this is even more true. There is an etheric quality that seems to made of stardust and dreams. Our language to describe what may be, only touches the surface. I do my best to feel my way through the darkness. 

Read next post, Part II - The Potential for You. 

Photo Credit: Papafox

Sara Bourland