SOAR into the FUTURE

SOAR into the FUTURE 


March 23, 2023 - May 2043 

We are standing on the edge of a new era. 

This time period begins an era of significant change. Pluto is a generational influence that is far-reaching and long with a 248-year orbit. When it finally settles fully into Aquarius, it will spend 20 years here. This influences an entire generational shift. 

Pluto’s urge is to plunge into the darkness and uncover what is hidden. Nothing short of removing what is no longer serving you. In Aquarius, the focus is on humanity. Here the vibe is not on the individual but on the collective. 

Unconventional Aquarius rules technology and we are already getting a glimpse into the technological advances that introduce incredible changes in our lives. The pace will likely blow our minds. What was science fiction is now showing signs of coming into reality. AI is on the precipice of taking off. This is just the beginning of where technology will go. 

Pluto is a sign of change and transformation. Aquarius is a rebel and does like to conform or follow what is expected or the usual way of doing business. We can expect that over the course of the next 20 years, there will be breakthroughs and revolutionary change. 

As an Aquarian, I love to keep up with technological advances - especially the unusual ones. 

If you’d like to watch my 2023 Forecast from January, the YouTube link is in my bio. Here I did a more thorough talk on some of the changes for 2023. 

Pluto will dip back into Capricorn at the aneretic degree for the second half of this year and continue its trail of destruction as it has been doing the last few years. 

If you have planets in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio -  especially early to mid degrees, you will experience more shifts and changes. Look to the house to see what area of life is up for renewal.*  

*Change is the one thing that is constant. It is not scary or fatalistic, it is how we grow and evolve as a soul. Embrace the flow of life and be open to new experiences. Out of the pain and struggle comes the rebirth. Always, keep your eye on the silver lining. 

Photo credit: Stefan Keller 

Sara Bourland