Healing Journey

Will you take the Healing Journey?

Chiron conjunct North Node

We are still under the influence of last Saturday’s Chiron / North Node conjunction in Aries. Today, there is an activating sextile from Mars, so you might be really feeling it. 

Chiron is the bridge between the inner and outer worlds, so you may be dealing with events that bring up memories of childhood wounds. Something within is asking you to heal another layer of yourself. 

The Nodal Axis of Aries & Libra is a lesson of balancing the I versus the We. Or you can think of it as your autonomy and independence balanced against your relationship with others. There is great lessons about how not to swing wildly between the two, but to discover balance and grace in these two worlds. 

It is the mirror of relationships that informs us about ourselves. Where are those areas that need attention? To be more conscious, we need to face those painful aspects of our past and heal them. Repression and denial can lead to the manifestation of physical ailments and disease over time, so these are not ideal coping techniques. 

Examine your inner and outer worlds with bravery and compassion. We are quickly approaching the upcoming eclipses, so lean into what is showing up. Be brave and face what is begging to be healed. Do yourself a favor and take the healing journey. Now is the time. 

Until next time. 

Feet on the ground; face to the sky. 

Enjoy the wisdom of the heavens, and may the stars lead you to a healthier version of yourself. 

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Image Credit: Schäferle

Sara Bourland